
You can use Tableau Cloud and Tableau Desktop to create real-time dashboards based on the data maintained in Materialize.

Tableau Cloud

Database connection details

To set up a connection from Tableau Cloud to Materialize, use the native PostgreSQL database connector with the following parameters:

Field Value
Server Materialize host name.
Port 6875
Database materialize
Username Materialize user.
Password App-specific password.
Require SSL

For more details and troubleshooting, check the Tableau documentation.

Tableau Desktop


To set up a connection from Tableau Desktop to Materialize, you must:

  1. Download the Java 8 JDBC driver for PostgreSQL

  2. Copy the .jar file to the following directory (which may have to be created manually):


To set up a connection from Tableau Desktop to Materialize, you must:

  1. Download the Java 8 JDBC driver for PostgreSQL

  2. Copy the .jar file to the following directory (which may have to be created manually):


To set up a connection from Tableau Desktop to Materialize, you must:

  1. Download the Java 8 JDBC driver for PostgreSQL

  2. Copy the .jar file to the following directory (which may have to be created manually):

    C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers

Database connection details

Once you’ve set up the required driver, start Tableau and run through the following steps:

  1. On the left side, find the Connect to a Server section

  2. Select More and then PostgreSQL

  3. Use the following details to configure the connection:

    Field Value
    Server Materialize host name.
    Port 6875
    Database materialize
    Authentication Username and Password
    Username Materialize user.
    Password App-specific password.
    Require SSL
  4. Click Sign In to connect to Materialize

For more details and troubleshooting, check the Tableau documentation.


Errors like the following indicate that the JDBC driver was not successfully installed.

ERROR: Expected FOR, found WITH;
Error while executing the query
ERROR: WITH HOLD is unsupported for cursors;
Error while executing the query

The errors occur because Tableau falls back to a legacy PostgreSQL ODBC driver that does not support connecting to Materialize. Follow the Setup instructions again and ensure you’ve downloaded the driver to the correct folder for your platform.

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